Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Wordle 37

An Expected Loss

A shovel-shaped cloud
drifts across the sky
as friends stop by.
An expected loss 
brings them together

but even though expected,
the loss brings pain
and reminiscing.
Letters are exchanged,
friendships strengthened.

As the day winds down
plum sweaters are
knitted from the yarn
left by the loved one,
each stitch an act of love.

Process: I just found out about this wonderful site The Sunday Whirl where 12 words are given in what is termed a wordle and the trick is to write a poem using the words.  I wrote this on Sunday when I was thinking about the new year and losses as well as pluses.  This is my first attempt at this but it was fun.  I've sifted it and rethought it and now even though it still feels a bit unpolished, I'm putting it up.  

The words for the week are: drift, plum expected loss sweaters yarn stop friends letters stitches, wind, and shovel.


  1. Nicely done! Sounds like the kind of thing that would happen in my family, everyone gathering to knit and reminisce (of course, those untalented types like me just end up spinning yarns rather than stitching lol)

  2. welcome to the sunday whirl. great wordle.looking forward to reading more

  3. Mary and Isabel: Many thanks for your kind comments and great welcome! I look forward to doing more wordles and reading more of yours as well!
