Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wordle 63: The Crow and the Cat

Here is my response to The Sunday Whirl’s Wordle 63 using these words: gesture, other, stand, act, hanging, touch, lips, thin, sent, snapshots, skin, and utter.

The Crow and the Cat

A crow stands
on the birdbath’s thin rim 
wings glistening in the sun
a piece of bread
hanging from its beak
as a sleek cat watches
from the window
uttering his thin ack acks,
with face pressed
against the glass leaving
prints where his lips touch.
Feathers and fur covering skins
taut with suspense as
each watches the other,
with gestures of utter disdain
sent back and forth,
snapshots of an age old conflict
acted out of instinct


  1. Oooooh, I always root for the prey. So I hope the crow gets away!!! I enjoyed your write (you told the story well), and thank you for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks, Mary, and yes, my cats are all indoor cats so the crows are very safe. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. This is wonderful Daphne. You put the words together and came up with this age old story. I can so picture the cat's ack ack. Predictable critters, eh?

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I appreciate your stopping by. Hope your day is wonderful!

  3. I always find the little ack ack thing that cat's do with their mouths in these circumstances to be fascinating. I think their pupils dilate as well. Good wordling.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl, and yes, the pupils also dilate and I too find it fascinating! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Nicely crafted slice of nature - enjoyed it!

  5. You can write your own book of 'fables' - age old indeed. I enjoyed this take of wordles.

    Thanks for your visit and kind words.

    1. Thanks, Jules and you are welcome! Hm, a book of 'fables,' now that is something to contemplate. I appreciate your stopping by! Have a lovely day!

  6. I really like these lines:

    Feathers and fur covering skins
    taut with suspense as
    each watches the other,

    You've so concisely and clearly painted their world -- their animal nature, the tension and focus of prey and predetor. Nicely done.

    1. Thank you so much, Kelly! I appreciate your stopping by and your taking the time to comment! Have a super day!
