Saturday, February 4, 2012

Wordle 41

earth born in flames
anguished shocks subside 
serenity arrives as if
through a permeable membrane
many feet crunch
across frozen fields
startling birds
a fresh beginning

Process: I recently discovered a wonderful site The Sunday Whirl where 12 words are given each week in what is termed a wordle and the trick is to write a poem using the words.  I missed several weeks but I have now subscribed to the site so I won't miss any prompts and hopefully I will now write one each week. This is my second attempt at this and it was fun.  I'm not sure what I have here, but here it is nonetheless.

The words for the week are: born, feet earth, flame, anguish, shocks, field, fresh, frozen, serenity, startles, and permeable

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